A seed taking root.

Akar (Bahasa Indonesia) {noun} /akar/ = root (English)

Akar is grounded in the understanding that narratives drive personal and collective futures.

The stories we tell ourselves and each other shape narratives that over time become calcified into values. Some of those values uphold infrastructures of oppression and systems that are inequitable and unjust. Changing narratives is therefore essential to transforming systems, and shaping better futures. We must cultivate different stories - ones that reflect liberation, joy, community and positive transformation - so they may take root.

If stories are the threads of the fabric that is humanity, then it is necessary to amplify and uplift stories that can help weave more beautiful and vibrant futures.

We are excited to offer spaces for values-aligned individuals and organizations to explore stories that need to be told to drive positive change, and interrogate the narratives they’ve existed in that may no longer be useful.

Our Founder

Akar grew from the mind of Inda Intiar. Here’s her story.

My grandmother was the first person who taught me that stories are magical. She used to tell me bed-time stories that brought me to the tropical forests of Indonesia, with talking wildlife and giants. Sometimes, she changed the endings to keep them interesting. Her stories fuelled my imagination. That's how, at five years old, I knew stories were powerful.

Today, I’m a writer and storyteller with a passion for equitable and just futures. I believe stories can help us build empathy, and imagine better societies, too.

My work lies a the intersection of storytelling, equity, and systems change. I bring with me skills that I’ve learned from studying journalism and international relations in university, as well as working in communications, market intelligence, and grassroots community projects promoting equity, diversity and inclusion.

I'm a first-generation immigrant in Canada who grew up across multiple countries in the Global South. That upbringing gave me a nuanced view of the world, and taught me to easily connect with others. It made me flexible, open minded, creative and intellectually curious.

I’m honoured that some in my community have recognized my work. I’ve been named among Future of Good’s Young Impact Leaders, a YWCA Moncton Women of Distinction, Greater Moncton Top 20 Under 40, and a New Brunswick Cultural Diversity Champion.

I love connecting with people who have similar interests and open to collaboration. If you're into cultures, storytelling, narrative change, equitable communities, and systems change, let's chat!

Connect with Inda on LinkedIn.