Writing Through is a five-part creative writing series dedicated to racialized femmes & gender-expansive folks in the climate, environment, and/or ocean sectors. We invite participants to embark on a journey of reflection, healing, and empowerment across both individual and systemic scales.

Through the lens of interconnectedness, community, and the restoration of People and Place, "Writing Through" seeks to cultivate a space where the voices of the racialized global majority are honoured, valued, connected, and empowered, knowing this is where sustainable solutions are rooted from. No writing experience necessary.

An Immigrant’s Journey

This workshop is designed to explore the immigration journey with all the discovery, joy and challenges that come with it. We use prompts and interactive activities to spark ideas, share stories, and connect with other attendees. It is a safe, positive and creative space. No writing experience is necessary. We just ask for your openness to explore, have fun, and connect with others. For ages 15 and older.

Becoming Woman

This workshop explores the journeys to and through womanhood, including the impacts of the ideas / concepts around "being a woman," "womanhood" and "femininity" on cisgender, non-binary, or transgender folks. It includes story sharing exercises. No writing experience necessary. For ages 18 and older.

Impact Storytelling for Organizations

This two-part workshop explores ways to use storytelling to communicate impact, as well as practices and considerations for non-extractive and engaging storytelling. We use prompts and interactive activities to spark ideas for impact stories, share learnings, and connect with each other. Offered to organizations focused on social, environmental and/or youth empowerment purposes. 

Organizations: What Is Your Story?

This workshop aims to help organizations shape their story, as well as interrogate existing narratives. A strong organizational story helps create a sense of belonging and direction for individuals and teams. It is rooted in values, mission, purpose, action, and impact. For strategic communicators in small businesses and social purpose organizations.

Building The World We Want

This workshop series uses writing and creative expression for an exercise in worldbuilding. We explore imaginations of the future, and then explore the kinds of futures we desire and what we need to get there. We’ll also look at ways in which we can enact the changes we need to get there.  We use prompts and interactive activities to spark ideas, as well as share and connect with each other. Offered to individuals and organizations.